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حركة التنويريين الاحرار لشمال افريقيا
زوارنا الكرام ..هرمنا ترحب بكم .. وتدعوكم لاستكمال الثورة الثقافية ..اضموا الينا ثورة وابداعا
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 Adobe After Effects 7.0.1 كامل مع التحديثات

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

الجنس : ذكر
عدد المساهمات : 77
معدل التفوق : 207
السٌّمعَة : 20
تاريخ التسجيل : 26/01/2012

Adobe After Effects 7.0.1 كامل مع التحديثات Empty
مُساهمةAdobe After Effects 7.0.1 كامل مع التحديثات

Adobe After Effects 7.0.1 كامل مع التحديثات ADOBEAFEREFFECTS7RGB

Adobe After Effects 7.0.1 كامل مع التحديثات 03
يعتبر برنامج
Adobe After Effects واحد من أقوي برامج تعديل الفيديو وعمل المؤثرات
والخدع ، يمكنك عمل التحريك Animation وإضافة الكتابات **** وتحريكها
وإضافة المؤثرات Effects وعمل الشفافية Transparency أو ما يسمي بالفيديو
المركب Composite Video

اقتتية الان لتتمكن من معرفة
طريقة عمل مونتاج الفيديو وتركيب الفيديو كليب .. إضافة المؤثرات الخاصة
على ملفات الفيديو .. عمل الخدع السينمائية .

Animate your ideas! Adobe® After
Effects® 7.0 software helps you create compelling motion graphics and
blockbuster visual effects with efficiency, precision, and infinite
variety. Take advantage of unmatched integration with other Adobe
software, flexible 2D and 3D compositing, and hundreds of effects and
Animation Presets to bring a new dimension to your film, video, DVD,
and Macromedia® Flash® productions. Bring infinite variety to your work
with 2D and 3D compositing and hundreds of effects and Animation
Presets. Work in real time with new OpenGL acceleration, a redesigned
interface, and tighter integration with key Adobe applications. And
take control with professional color-correction tools and a new Graph
Editor that help you achieve unprecedented precision.

Top new features:
Adobe® After Effects® 7.0 software is loaded with improvements designed
to help you create outstanding, original work. A redesigned UI and a
new Graph Editor help streamline your workflow, new presets and effects
enhance your creativity, and 32-bit float High Dynamic Range (HDR)
color support (Professional Edition only) helps you achieve greater

Production excellence:
- Graph Editor. Create precise animations with the new Graph Editor,
which offers complete visual control over keyframe editing and easy
synchronization of animated properties across layers.
- High Dynamic Range (HDR) color support. Match the behavior of color
and light in the real world with new 32-bit HDR color support. Achieve
photo-realism by compositing in 32-bit-per-channel floating-point
color. (Professional edition only.)
- Faster mask rendering. Render even complex masks up to 100% faster than in previous versions of After Effects.
- 32-bit audio support. Maximize audio quality in your projects with
new support for 32-bit audio. Import 32-bit audio files mixed and
mastered in Adobe Audition® software. Fine-tune audio levels precisely
using VU meters with peak and clip indicators on the Audio panel.
- OpenGL rendering. Use OpenGL for final rendering at high speed:
OpenGL 2.0 capabilities include common blending modes, motion blur on
2D layers, anti-aliasing and track mattes, better shadows and
transparencies, and more.
- Expanded file format support. Take advantage of new support for HDV,
Macromedia® Flash® Video (FLV), Camera Raw, OpenEXR, AAF (Professional
edition only), 10-bit YUV (v210), and 32-bit TIFF and PSD formats.

Intelligent workflow:
- Redesigned, unified user interface. Work within an elegantly
redesigned interface featuring workspace panels that dock and group for
optimal organization, eliminating overlapping windows. Save custom
workspaces, control UI brightness, and more.
- Real-time, high-fidelity OpenGL support. Experience real-time
performance with advanced OpenGL 2.0 capabilities including support for
blending modes as well as motion blur, anti-aliasing, track mattes,
high-quality shadows and transparency, and accelerated rendering of
common effects. Use OpenGL for accelerated final renders.
- Adobe Bridge. Simplify the everyday tasks of asset management with
Adobe Bridge, which offers powerful ways to browse and search digital
assets, preview and apply presets, work with ****data, manage files,
and run batch processes.
- Adobe Photoshop CS2 integration. Save 32-bit HDR and 16-bit color
values in Adobe Photoshop® files. **** remains editable, and layers,
common layer styles, blending modes, masks, and transparency are all
preserved when Photoshop files are imported as compositions. Use
Photoshop paths as masks or animation paths.
- Photoshop file creation. Create a new Photoshop file from within your
After Effects project. Photoshop automatically opens a blank file using
composition settings — including title-safe and action-safe guides —
ready for editing. Changes appear in After Effects when you save.
- Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 integration. Preserve bins, edits, markers,
keyframed effects, nested sequences, transitions, and more from Adobe
Premiere® Pro 2.0 software. Drag and drop or copy and paste clips from
one application to the other. (Windows® only.)
- Adobe Premiere Pro project export. Export an After Effects project as
an Adobe Premiere Pro project, streamlining work that involves editing
as well as motion graphics and effects. (Windows only.)
- Integrated ****** Editor. Create and debug sophisticated
**********-based ******ing commands directly in After Effects with the
built-in ****** Editor. Interactively type, test, debug, and analyze
******s without the need for an external **** editor. (Professional
edition only.)
- Auto Save. Prevent mishaps from destroying hours of work. The Auto
Save feature saves incremental versions automatically as you work.
- Adobe Help Center. Get answers quickly from the new Adobe Help
Center, which offers powerful search features and convenient topics.

Creative empowerment:
- Timesaving Animation and Behavior Presets plus project templates.
Produce great-looking animations quickly using hundreds of fully
customizable Animation Presets, including presets for animating ****,
effects, transitions, backgrounds, and behaviors. Use included project
templates for DVD motion menus and motion graphics backgrounds.
- Timewarp. Slow down and speed up footage with smooth, crisp results
and minimal artifacts. Timewarp analyzes pixel motion to create more
accurate in-between frames. (Professional edition only.)
- Character-level blurs. Create and animate blurs on a per-character basis for eye-catching **** animations.
- Creative blur effects. Re-create the effect of a defocused camera
lens easily and realistically with new Lens Blur, and use new Smart
Blur to create soft color effects without destroying fine detail. Use a
variety of other blur effects for specific situations, including
Directional Blur, Box Blur, and Gaussian Blur.

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Adobe After Effects 7.0.1 كامل مع التحديثات :: تعاليق

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Adobe After Effects 7.0.1 كامل مع التحديثات

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